SOMA Camp > Class Schedule > Instructors
Faculty Biographies
Jon Sommer
Jon Sommer has led mushroom forays, given lectures on a range of mycological topics, and taught mushroom identification across the U.S. for more than 45 years. He is a well-known speaker and presenter for mycological Societies and Forays across the country. He received a Bachelor’s degree in botany from Humboldt State University and Master’s degrees in botany and plant pathology from the University of California, Davis. He has studied mushroom identification with notable mycologists including Drs. David Largent, Orson K Miller, Jr and Harry D. Thiers. A resident of Colorado for 30 years, and now living on the Oregon coast, Jon has in-depth knowledge of fungi across the US and particularly northern California and Oregon. He is the immediate Past President of the Colorado Mycological Society and is the current Vice President of the Lincoln County Mycological Society.